Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Willy Warmer..LOL

I have a funny story to go along with this. My brothers fiance brought a 'willy warmer' home from Germany for my brother as a silly joke gift. He's got it hanging from the mirror in his living room. The more I saw it when I was over his house, the more I thought I can make that. With no pattern, I started to crochet one for Kevin as a joke stocking stuffer for Christmas. As I worked on it, I laughed so hard I was crying most of the time. I thought it came out perfect. I love the tassel on the end..lol. I laugh each time I look at it!!! The picture you see is not completely finished...I added a tie around the whole thing to finish it off. Kevin thought it was very funny but refused to try it on..lol (not suprising).

Kevin just left on Sunday for his annual ski trip with a few of his good friends. After he packed his clothes, I snuck the willy warmer in his bag. When he got to his destination, he called to tell me his friends were admiring my craftsmanship and my talent for crocheting. I'd forgotten for a minute that I'd put that in his bag. I laughted when I remembered...Im sure Kev and his friends got a good laugh over it!!

Afgan for Rusty & Amanda

I wanted to make Rusty & Amanda a nice soft somewhat light weight blanket for this as a Christmas gift. I choose this color homespun yarn because they have very light tan furniture and nice green walls, I thought this color would look really nice in their living room! I also got them a really pretty cherry wood quilt stand because I noticed their blankets slide off their leather sofa. I hope they love it, Kevin was cute, he wanted to keep it because it was so soft and he loved the color.

This was my last project I had to get done by Christmas. I started it Thanksgiving and got it done the week of Christmas. Talk about cutting things close. The worse part of making this blanket was the damn fringe on the ends. What a pain in the ass. Dont think I would EVER do those again. They look good, but if you've ever worked with homespun yarn, you have to knot the ends or the yarn unravels. My fingers were so sore from knotting each stand of fringe I added. In the end, I think it looks great and I guess thats all that matters!!

Scarfs...made for Christmas gifts

This is the scarf I made for Linda. I love this yarn..its Lion Brand Homespun yarn and its so soft and just thick enough for a nice warm scarf. I had leftover yarn so I made this pattern up as I went along. I thought it came out great and I hope she loves it and wears it well.

This is the scarf I made for Mrs. Pennings. My Mom had made me one a few years ago and I love it. The hood is perfect for those rainy/snowy days. I choose red because Kevin said it was one of Mrs. P's favorite colors. I hope she gets good use out of it =)

This is the third and final scarf I made this Christmas season. I'd made Kevin one last year and he told me his brother Willem would like one too...so this was a little extra gift for him this Christmas. This one is also made with the homespun yarn. So soft and warm. I hope he wears it in good health =)